Monday, May 27, 2013

Destination: Israel

So then, the first port of call on my gap year; the very warm and very interesting country of Israel. It wasn't my plan from the beginning to visit Israel, I originally hoped to spend this summer in the USA taking part in the Camp America scheme (for those of you who don't know, its a scheme where you get given a job at an American summer camp as a counsellor). But after a very disheartening application process and no news of a placement I decided to look into alternatives. Eventually, after a lot of searching, I came across a number of projects in Israel. I've always been interested in the Middle East and thought this would be a great opportunity to get some first hand experience of this fascinating part of the world.

I'll be spending 3 months in Israel, splitting my time between a number of projects. To start with, i'm spending 6 weeks in the small town of Nimrod in northern Israel, in particular I will be helping out at an eco-lodge. I'll be helping build eco-homes, learn some more about bio-farming and take some treks into the stunning mountain scenery and local communities. I'm hoping I'll also be able to learn more about the daily lives of the people that live in this particular area of the country. It looks set to be an awesome 6 weeks of hard work and amazing scenery and no doubt I'll be sporting an awesome tan by the end of it.

Details on the remaining 6 weeks of my stay are still being finalised so i'll keep you updaed as these plans progress.

Destination: Israel, should be a great trip :)  

The Adventure Begins :)

So here I am, at the beginning of my "year to remember". I find myself starting my blog on the second day of half term. Exam season has begun and confidence is at a strange all time high, perhaps this year my topics are a bit more likeable than the last (global culture seems a far better geography topic than how hurricanes are formed - sorry Mel, thats just me). Whilst exams will no doubt keep me occupied for most of the next month, I see no reason not to be getting excited for the beginning of my "year to remember".

Yes, instead of following the dreaded hordes into the university gates in september I will be off on a gap year. With a defferred entry to study International Relations at uni next year, i'll have a whole year to see the world and learn about what its like to live away from the tourist trail. I can't wait, in fact my flight for my first port of call; Israel leaves in only 34 days! To say i'm excited is an understatement.

Over the next year, I'm planning on visiting some truly incredible places. From the deserts of Israel to the high Himalayas of Nepal, join me on my journey around the world (and all the highs and lows i'm sure i'll encounter on the way).

So begins the start of my gap year adventure, watch this space and follow me on my "year to remember" :)