Friday, April 4, 2014

Mid Month Adventure part 1: White Water rafting!

Hi everyone, 

I've been VERY busy this past week but pleased to say I've now seen a sizeable amount of Nepal :). I'm back in Kathmandu after an incredible week with the group. I'll be doing a post on every major activity again so sit back and enjoy! 

Our first adventure saw us drive 3 hours south of Kathmandu for two days of white water rafting! After lunch on the beach by our start point we were off. The weather was boiling hot compared to our week of cold in Langtang so we were all cooling off by jumping off the raft for a swim during the first few calm stretches. Our first day was four hours rafting and there were plenty of rapids to keep us and the other boats occupied. The highlight of the rafting that day was a series of grade three rapids, these were pretty good fun even though I feel off on the last one. No harm done though as the safety kayaker was on hand to help. Towards the end of our day we reached a point where we could all take a leap into the river from a rock-face, a great final adrenaline rush of the day :). 

From left to right; Zoe, Umesh (our rafting guide), Rebecca and Ratna (our trekking guide who was looking after us) 

Some of the group take a dip in the river 

Me taking a leap onto the river towards the end of the day :). 

After a great afternoon we reached our lodge on the riverside where we would be spending the night. As me and Ollie were moving into our tent we discovered a rather large spider was sharing with us! We left him to it but I had to kill just before bed as we couldn't find a way to get him out of the tent, RIP. That afternoon was split between relaxing in the small bar/lounge area of the camp or playing volleyball with our rafting guides by the river. There was a real holiday atmosphere for the whole day and it was nice to unwind. After dinner it was off to bed around 9pm. 

Our unexpected guest.... 

Ollie and Ratna having some time-out 

The next day saw us finish our rafting with only a 45 minute run in the morning. After saying goodbye to our guides we caught a bus to our next destination, the infamous Chitwan National Park in Southern Nepal! 

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