Friday, April 4, 2014

Mid Month Adventure part 3: 2 days in Pokhara!

And so we come to the final few days of the last week. A little but of a holiday in the lovely town of Pokhara, long considered the adventure-sports capital of Nepal! We arrived in the early afternoon and said goodbye to Ratna, who had accompanied us all the way. After settling in to the hotel we all took a walk down the lakeside strip to get our bearings and stretch our legs. Pokhara sits right next to a beautiful lake, there are proper pavements and there is MUCH less traffic than Kathmandu. After a great dinner by the lake we were all in bed by 9 to catch up on sleep. 

The next day was really a chance to relax. Ollie and I slept in until 9 and had brunch at a small lakeside restaurant, my first egg and toast breakfast for months! We chilled at the hotel for the rest of the morning before we headed out to the Gurkha museum on the outskirts of town. It's a compact little place but the displays were full of history on the Gurkha soldiers throughout their history and the displays on Gurkha Victoria Cross winners was truly amazing. After an hour or so walking around the museum we met up with the girls, who had spent the afternoon getting massages from blind masseuses, and relaxed in the hotel garden and hammocks. 

Our final day in Pokhara was a bit more busy than the day before. We all had a lie-in again and had an incredible lakeside breakfast at Mike's, an American run restaurant that's famous for its breakfasts. I had poached eggs and ham on toast with hollandaise sauce, absolutely delicious! 

Ordering breakfast at Mike's. Worse places to have breakfast, check out the view! 

At 1 we headed down to a kayak rental place by the lake and organised a three hour rental (at £2.50 equivalent each I might add!) for some paddling on the lake. We all enjoyed our afternoon on the lake and soaking up the scenery. It was a great way to end our time in Pokhara and one of the highlights of the week for me. Our final meal that evening was a first for most of us. Zoe had found a great Japanese restaurant and insisted we all give it a go. We didn't regret it, the terayaki beef was amazing! 

Rebecca, Zoe and Ollie on the lake, on top of the hill in the right of the photo is the "World Peace Pogoda"

Me with Pokhara in the background 

Ollie, Sophie and Laura take a break 

The lads! 

The next day we had another 7 hour bus ride back to Kathmandu. When we got back Sophie had to go to the clinic to get a little problem sorted out, so Zoe, Ollie and I had to carry her and Laura's bags back to the hotel under some impressive thunder! Today we got our briefing for the final trip of our month off; an 8 day tour of Tibet! We look set to have an incredible time and I can't wait to get started! I'll post again when I get back to Kathmandu. 

The end of our month off is approaching and after that I'll only have another month teaching before my time in Nepal comes to a close! It's been a truly incredible experience but I've got Tibet and another month of teaching ahead. Bring it on! 

Thanks for reading guys, see you next time :) 

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