Saturday, August 10, 2013

My last week in Nimrod

Hi everyone 

I'm in my last few days here at Nimrod and since I finally have decent computer access, I thought i'd give you guys a run down of my last week here. 

My long week of lonliness finally came to an end on tuesday (i've been on my own ever since Dan, Dom and Alex left) when the next group of volunteers arrived. Nice to have some company again but sadly I won't be able to get to know them as well as previous groups as I only have until tomorrow with them before I leave. What made tuesday also significant was that it signified the end of Ramadan. What makes it so significant here in the Golan? Well it was signaled from Syria with a morning of the loudest and most intense booms I've heard in all my time here. It was also the first time I saw the smoke from explosions across the border. Seemed to bring the whole situation very close to home :/. 

The smoke cloud from an explosion in Syria 
Never-the-less, work continues at the lodge. We've been especially busy this week helping out Guy with his latest addition to the house. He wanted a wooden pergola built over the top of the decking at the back of the house to provide some shade. So we all set to work debarking branches of wood and lifting and screwing them into place. By the end of the afternoon on Thursday the work was complete. No doubt Guy has more plans for the house so David and Aaron (2 of the new volunteer group) will be kept busy during their time here.

Aaron and David put the finishing touches to the Pergola we've been building

"Left a bit, no right a bit" David makes sure the branches are seated exactly in place
We had a combined surprise visit yesterday :). Firstly from Lilach and Guy's daughter Ameet, who came home after her first week of IDF basic training and also from Yan (the Go-Eco guide who looked after us during our orientation in Jerusalem). It was great to see him again and catch up, he's here to check up on the project and to see that we're all behaving ourselves. Yan and I will be traveling back to Jerusalem together on Monday so i'll have no excuse to get lost on the bus system! 

All in all I've had a great last week here, helped greatly by the latest edition to my modes of transport; the quad bike! For little trips down to the camping site or the lodges its perfect as it saves me having to drag rubbish bags back up the hill to the bins!

Me and my new favourite ride :) 
Sadly my time in Nimrod is only a day away from ending. I'll be sad to leave the great people and scenery of Nimrod behind me but I think it's definately time to move on to the next adventure. I'm spending 3 days in Jerusalem to sort out some last minute admin before my next (and last!) 6 weeks in Israel. i hope to fit in some sight seeing whilst i'm in Jerusalem (including a visit to Yad Vashem - the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem) before i depart on Friday for my next adventure. I also have results day to look forward to on thursday :/. 

I can't believe I'm half-way through my time in Israel! I've had a blast here in Nimrod and I can't wait to see what new adventures await me over the next month and a half. As always, I'll keep you updated as much as I can :). 

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time.


  1. Great to hear from you, Chris, and see all the progress on the house. How's the garden growing? I'm looking forward to your posts from Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

  2. Hi Carolyn, garden was growing great when I left a few days ago. Tomatoes were just beginning to ripen and for the last week I used basil from the garden in my cooking. The rest is really flourishing so no problems at all. Great to hear from you :)
